Developer Experience IDP Platform Engineering Company

Welcome to Flightdeck

Announcing the GA of Flightdeck, our self-service, multi-tenant Developer Platform built on Backstage, the leading Developer Portal framework.

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Today we are announcing a big milestone for Arctir: the general availability of Flightdeck, our self-service, multi-tenant Developer Platform built upon Backstage.

We believe that Internal Developer Portals (IDP), and software catalog's in particular, are fantastic tools for teams just jumping into a Platform Engineering (PE) initiative and even for teams looking to improve on their existing Developer Experience (DX) investments.

As we've engaged with the broader ecosystem, we've also come to believe the de facto standard in this space is, and will continue to be, Backstage.

We see a lot of corollaries between the growth, maturity, and groundswell of interest in Backstage to that of Kubernetes. Much like Kubernetes, Backstage is designed as a powerful framework that provides a solid foundation from which to extend into a broader, full-featured platform. But, also like Kubernetes in its early days, the complexity and operational overhead of rolling your own Backstage portal typically detracts from your core mission: improving developer efficiency and experience.

Installation and configuration of Backstage can be painful resulting in slow adoption, especially for resource constrained teams. We've even heard from large organizations that have abandoned efforts to deploy an IDP, primarily due to the sheer amount of human toil necessary to make these projects successful.

And, for those who have already deployed Backstage, there is the ongoing operational development and support to consider. This can amount to a non-trivial amount of that, again, is not core to your immediate business needs.

We're here to change that

Flightdeck is a fully multi-tenant SaaS offering that allows multi-phase deployment of Backstage. We include all the Backstage functionality - software catalog, plugins, scaffolder and more. Better still with Flightdeck you can create instances for test, production, or even different business units across geographical regions. Get started with a secure, fully-operational Backstage deployment in minutes; not months or years.

The platform is built API-first. Every aspect of Flightdeck may be manipulated by way of interfacing with our RESTful OpenAPI schema, complete with a handful of SDKs to match your toolchain preferences. And for those who, like us, are strong believers in the principles of Infrastructure as Code, our Terraform provider will allow you to treat your Flightdeck instances like any of your other managed resources: in git.

And, of course we also have a web interface to make it easy to get started.

Like you, we've been in the trenches designing, developing and maintaining Enterprise-grade solutions, so we've included the features we know you'll need:

...this, and so much more.

This is just the beginning

We are incredibly excited to release Flightdeck to our users but we are even more excited for what we have in store in the coming months.

Get started today:

Have questions? Want to learn more about where we're headed? Let's talk:

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